Our many years of experience in advising both multinational corporations and governments around the world have been assembled in our certified FDIexecutive™ Training Academy for investment promotion professionals and our extensive training and seminar program for free zone executives that ICA delivers throughout the world in conjunction with the World Free Zones Organization (World FZO). Over the years ICA has worked with many international organizations like UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCAP, OECD, WAIPA, CAIPA and the World Bank in delivering various trainings and workshops throughout the world.
The FDI academy consists of multiple modules ranging from investor attraction, developing a successful marketing strategy, benchmarking techniques, organizational development and aftercare strategies. The training sessions are delivered by our team of 20+ years of experience through presentations, role play, databases, tools, exercises, best and worst practices and real life investment cases.
For free zones we have delivered multiple trainings and seminars in 2-4 day workshops. Our team of experts are able to cover multiple topics. The list of free zone training and seminar topics is provided below: