The last decade has witnessed a specialization of FDI and its increased facilitation of economic diversification. To stay competitive in the global FDI Arena Investment Promotion Agencies (IPA’s), Economic Development Organizations (EDO’s) and Free Zones need to optimize their operations and shape their policies and investment laws to attract more qualitative FDI. ICA offers IPA’s, EDO’s and Free Zones a framework through the following four phases for qualitative FDI Attraction:
Activities - Understand Organizational Activities
- Understand Current Structure
- Understand Monitoring Activities
- Engage Key Stake Holders
- Identify Key Obstacles
- Lay Out Organizational Best Practices
- Define HR Activities
|  | Approach - Key Stakeholders Meeting
- Successful Organizational Structures IPA’s Worldwide
|  | Deliverables - New Organizational Structure
- Clear Communication Channels
- Blueprint HR Activities
- New Operating Procedures
- Good Governance Principles
Activities - SWOT Analysis
- Investor Perception Study
- Identification of Worst and Best Practices of Investment Strategies
- Prioritize Industry & Activities
- Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
|  | Approach -
- Benchmark module
- Weighted module
- Cost – Benefit module
- Operating Expense module
|  | Deliverables - Presentation including:
- Results
- SWOT Results
- Industry Focus
- Business Activity Focus
- Investment Plan
Activities - Generating Lead Reports
- Targeting Propects
- Developing Marketing Material
- Marketing Communication using Social Media
- Measuring Marketing Performance
|  | Approach -
- Benchmarking and Ranking Client Location vs. Competitive Locations
- Lead Generation Services 2.0
|  | Deliverables - IPA Presentation Deck
- Lead Reports
- Social Media Advertisements
Activities - Develop Investment Proposals
- Matching (tax) Incentives with Investment Appraisals
- Conduct Site Visits
- Collect and Maintain Relevant Regional Data
- Investor Relationship Management
- Assign Aftercare Staff and Responsibilities
|  | Approach -
- Upload Latest Regional Statistics
|  | Deliverables - Site Visits
- Incentive Packages
- Database for Follow-up and Self-Evaluation