Developing Investment Strategy to Attract FDI in target sectors
The objective of this project was to successfully attract FDI in five target industries to Guatemala. This objective was reached through a number of steps resulting in a clear strategy, work plan and recommendations for concrete steps that could be further implemented by Invest in Guatemala. ICA evaluated Guatemala’s business climate and competitiveness to create a value proposition of Guatemala for corporate prospects in target industries in the global FDI market. ICA performed a thorough FDI analysis of the current investment climate in Guatemala as well as FDI opportunities for its target industries. Secondly, ICA defined a work plan and strategy to target companies and develop a successful lead generation strategy customized to the target industries. Staff of Invest in Guatemala was trained based on specific requirements to support the lead generation program through ICA’s FDI Academy, as well as provide recommendations for Invest in Guatemala in its continuing efforts to attract the target industries. ICA delivered the following: Lead Generation for four target industries, a customized FDI Training on investment promotion and attraction, in-depth analysis of Guatemala’s value proposition, competitiveness, FDI potential and FDI opportunities and a lead generation work plan and strategy.