10 Apr AIM 2017 Workshop “How can FDI be used to develop location competitiveness?”
On Saturday April 1st, ICA in collaboration with WAVTEQ, hosted a workshop “How can FDI be used to develop location competitiveness?”. The workshop provided investment promotion and economic development practitioners with a detailed understanding of how FDI can contribute to competitiveness with practical policy implications. Dowload a copy of the presentations here.
Douglas also moderated the key Plenary session on Sunday April 2nd, focusing on the conference theme: “Global Corporations and Governments Drivers: Enablers of FDI and Competitiveness”. The session included renowned international speakers from the public and private sector giving their insights on competitiveness of countries and explored how policy can be used to increase the contribution of FDI to the competitiveness of a national economy.
On the last day of AIM 2017 Douglas provided a keynote speech at the Investment Incentives Session moderated by Dr. Henry Loewendahl, CEO of WAVTEQ. This session explored whether or not current incentives policies around the world are levers for competitiveness or whether they are more simply a tool to attract inward investors and compete with other locations.